The outsiders book vocabulary chapter 8-12 answers

The number of cubes in each pattern below forms a geometric sequence. Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 3 words correctly. How does ponyboy react to what sodapop tells him about darry. Start studying the outsiders chapters 812 vocabulary. Chapter 12 the hearing wasnt anything like i thought it would be. Start studying the outsiders chapters 10 12 vocabulary.

See a complete list of the characters in the outsiders and indepth analyses of ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, cherry valance, sodapop curtis, and darry curtis. Greasers cant walk alone too much or theyll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream greaser. Roguishlyo adv acting in a mischievous mannero page 22 5. Pony thought there would be more people at the hearing. This chapter starts out with a diatribe against suicide. Summarize chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the book the outsiders. You will receive your score and answers at the end. The outsiders vocabulary chapters 89 vocabulary quiz and. When dally comes to the abandoned church, he brings ponyboy a letter from sodapop. Ask your class why a teenager would want to be part of a gang. Suicide is a critical issue for teens, and johnnys lack of choice about his living or dying brings him a new perspective. By using foreshadowing, hinton builds suspense into the novel and also.

The rumble was set for seven, so i was late for supper, as usual. Students must spell words and identify the meaning of the word based on context clues. If ponyboy is the protagonist, and therefore considered the good guy, there isnt an exact antagonist who goes against ponyboy. Outsiders characters chapter question and answers chapter 46 questions and answers chapter 79 questions and answers chapter 1012 questions and answers chapter summarys setting author 60s yuri gagarin chapter 10. The outsiders chapters 10 12 vocabulary flashcards quizlet. Chapter 8 is not all that exciting of a chapter compared to other chapters in hintons book the outsiders. Mar 11, 2012 a vocabulary list featuring the outsiders chapter 8. Ponyboy visits johnny and dally in the hospital, talks with cherry, and tries to suppress his growing dread about what the rumble will bring.

In the outsiders summary chapter 57 a summary of chapters 57 of the book the outsiders. The trick worked, and the outsiders became an instant youngadult. I think it is a good idea to vary your activities as students get a little tired of answering questions and doing vocabulary for each chapter. Have students see the word in context first before explicit vocabulary instruction. The outsiders vocabulary chapter 2 linkedin slideshare. For a complete outsiders cps clicker quiz database, cps tips, printable quizzes and answers, check out cps. Besides darry and soda and me, nobody was there except randy and his parents and cherry valance and her parents and a couple of the other guys that had jumped johnny and me that night. Compete headtohead in realtime to see which team can answer the most. Hinton, after publishers expressed concern that a womans name on the book would keep boys, the target audience, from reading it.

What the doctor first says foreshadows johnnys condition by when he said it cant hurt now is that johnny isnt going to be alive for much longer and that his condition is really bad. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. He is entertaining everyone at the police station, joking around, interviewing the nurses, mimicking the tv reporters and keeping them all in stitches. The only people there are darry, soda, randy and his parents, cherry and her parents, and two of the other boys who attacked pony and johnny the night bob was killed. Warm up complete chart from notesfind examples of imagery in the giver hwfinish chartpg number, write down sentence, give senses and mood ex. When johnny returns from purchasing suppliesand a copy.

Who are the good guys and bad guys in the outsiders. Also included nightly vocabulary homework assignments. Vocabulary list words from the outsiders angelfire. Acceptance is an important theme in the story that connects with teen readers because they are also struggling for acceptance in their peer groups.

On the back of this paper, explain the meaning of the poem, nothing gold can stay, from chapter 5. This first edition, published in 1967, was an instant success, earning numerous awards. Most of the chapter occurs within the halls of the hospital as ponyboy and twobit check. About the outsiders the outsiders summary character list glossary themes quotes and analysis chapters 1 and 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapters 7 and 8 chapter 9 chapters 10 and 11 chapter 12 films based on s. Eventually, a concerned stranger offers to drive him home. The outsiders chapters 812 vocabulary flashcards quizlet. Pony would rather someones hate besides their pity because of all the things he is going through at the time. Hinton teacher overview grade 9 lesson introductionoverview vocabulary words, definitions, derivatives, and quotations an alphabetical listing of the ten words in each section is given at the beginning of each section. What do you know about ponyboy, sodapop, and darry. See the definition, listen to the word, then try to spell it correctly. Before reading the outsiders, it is important to discuss some of the major themes present in the novel.

Get an answer for summarize chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the book the outsiders. How does what the doctor first says, on page 119, foreshadow johnnys condition. Read a summary of chapter 8 of the outsiders, then. Henry thomas colebrooke essays on the vedas summary camford academy essays on the. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is an outsider. At home, ponyboy tells the other greasers about johnnys death and dallys disappearance. An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. If you read the book, this quiz should be a breeze. The outsiders vocabulary list by chapter by tres chic teach tpt. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This is a basic quiz on the book the outsiders by s.

Ponyboy and the rest of the greasers usually stick together and help each other if one of them is in need of help. In the outsiders, i dont believe there actually is a bad guy or a good guy. A vocabulary list featuring the outsiders chapter 8. English 11 all quiet on the western front vocabulary list your inclass quiz on the first half of the book will include words from lists a and b. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is. He tells darry the that hes just robbed a grocery store and is on the run from the police and needs help. I wish you the best of luck and please tell me what you think of my. The theme of the outsiders is that despite having different social classes, like the high socs and the greasers at the bottom, both types of people are still just people, and they both experiences problems of their own. Teachers can have students study these words during the outsiders novel unit.

The outsiders questions and answers the question and answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. Choose from 500 different sets of vocabulary chapters 5 8 outsiders flashcards on quizlet. Describe each of the characters in this chapter and their relationship with one another ponyboy. The visual thesaurus was built using thinkmap, a data visualization technology. The outsiders seems to hit all of the hot issues that confront teenagers. That night, pony is looking for a book to read and he picks up. If the first three terms of a geometric sequence are 8,12, and 2 4x, then what is the value of x. Your final test at the end of the unit will include words from lists a, b, and c. See more ideas about the outsiders, teaching and middle school reading. The definitions are given in the order that the words appear in the chapters. Explain why pony might rather anyones hate than their pity p.

An ebook reader can be a software application for use on a computer such as microsofts free reader application, or a booksized computer that is used solely as a reading. Check out our revolutionary sidebyside summary and analysis. Ponyboy awakes in the old church on jay mountain, uncertain of where he is. Ponyboy is surprised to hear that all the socs think that johnny killed bob, but he decides he will tell the judge that he, in fact, was the murderer as soon as he is called up. Hintons novels related links essay questions quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3 quiz 4 citations. The outsiders quiz chapters 14 22 questions by arlenkp last updated. Describe what soda is doing while the police are trying to interview ponyboy. And in chapter 6, when dally picked pony and johnny up at the church in. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the outsiders and what it means. But this isnt, as you might expect given this, a book with a twisty plot. Read the following questions, then write a paragraph or two, if you feel you need it that answers all of them.

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